​​​​​New World Shakespeare Company

New World Shakespeare Company produces classic scripts with modern interpretations to relate to audiences more directly.  Each production benefits a charitable campaign for a local cause that relates to the theme of the show.

 Cast & Crew


 New World Shakespeare Company

    is proud to support:

​   The Road Home

  210 Rio Grande St.

​    801-359-4142   

www.theroadhome.org       Open 24 hours

 New World Shakespeare Company  with    Kallisti Theatre Company  present

​​ King Lear

  Spring 2019

  Directed by Elise C. Hanson-Barnett

All NWSC casting is non-gender, non-race and non-age specific.  

          All are welcome!

New World Shakespeare Company produces classic scripts with modern interpretations to relate to audiences more directly.  Each production benefits a charitable campaign for a local cause that relates to the theme of the show.

Director - Elise C. Hanson-Barnett

Producers - Blayne Wiley, Dustin Kennedy

                    & Elise C. Hanson-Barnett

Jon Turner as King Lear
Carlos Nobleza Posas as Edmund 
Wendy Dang as The Fool 
Suni Gigliotti as Cordelia
Kallie Filanda as Oswald
Sierra Trinchet as Regan
Megan Chase as Goneril 
Christopher Taylor as Gloucester
Catherine Mortimer as King of

         France/Gentleman/Servant/Old Man
Kristina Wilson as Cornwall and Doctor 
Adam McGrath as Edgar
Andrew Slaughter as Kent 

Bryce Kamryn as Albany

Stage Manager - David Bruner

Set Design -  Elise C. Hanson-Barnett

Costume Design - Elise C. Hanson-Barnett

Fight Choreography - Suni Gigliotti &

Lighting Design - David Bruner

Sound Design/ Technician - David Bruner


King Lear begins with preconceived notions of home and family as Lear attempts to divide his kingdom evenly between his three daughters. He has worked out a setup; one that Lear has spent years stage-managing. However, his attempt to orchestrate his daughters’ performative love for him does not go according to plan, and the first flint is sparked when he turns to his favorite, his lovely Cordelia, and she does not express exactly what he expected she would express. To a king already prone to dragon-wrath, this is terrifyingly novel and enough to inspire him to cast her out, marrying her off to the king of France and banishing his best friend and most trusted advisor in the same fell swoop.
If King Lear has a lesson for us, it is one of perception. There are also a few more treasures to be gleaned from this wretched and tragic story: 1) there is wisdom in fools, 2) there is truth from mad men, 3) through blindness, we can see, 4) there is deep feeling in the world, and it needs to be expressed.

 King Lear will be performed in Wasatch Theatre Company’s space at the Gateway, 124 South 400 West Salt Lake City, UT. Seating is limited, but audience members can purchase tickets for standing room only. Tickets for seating are $20 and $15 for standing. Tickets may be purchased at newworldshakespeare.com and will be available for pick-up at the door.


Thursday, April 25, 7:30

Friday, April 26, 7:30

Saturday, April 27, 7:30

Sunday, April 28, 3:00 show, 5:00 audience discussion

Thursday, May 2, 7:30

Friday, May 3, 7:30

Saturday, May 4, 7:30


About New World Shakespere Company


 April 25, 26, 27  May 2, 3, 4   2019

    Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 7:30 pm 

 Sunday Matinee, April 28, 3:00 pm

      Standing $15   Limited Seating $20